
Sunday, December 29, 2013


Even after nine and a half long years, it is truly astounding that decent legal access remains out of reach for this tiny neighborhood. All we in this community want is the legal right to drive to our homes over our traditional, historical route—a little over a mile of dirt road—that we and our predecessors had been continually using for close to a century.

That’s all we want: to drive on a road that had been in common, constant use since before any of us were born, to our own houses. I need to state that over and over again, because the fact is so basic and we do not want it buried under a lot of verbiage.

The consequences to us of this injustice are dire, and the spoils to those who block us may be enormous, but I want to review just the appalling nature of our predicament in this post.

It is appalling that our route home is almost indistinguishable from that of several other communities along Soledad Canyon, but only ours is blocked.

It is appalling that the organizations blocking our route home are public agencies that should properly have no interest in bedeviling us or depressing our property values.

It is appalling that a deputy of Supervisor Michael Antonovich of the County of Los Angeles will tell contradictory stories according to what suits his office at the time, and continue to pretend to be truthful.

It is appalling that Los Angeles County would place a property in the hands of an aggressive player in this drama, a player that would then withhold legal access at our only other point of entry, albeit an astonishingly rough and difficult drive of five and more miles—a drive that has already killed one of us. (His car was found aflame down a short ravine. Maybe he died of a heart attack and not the crash or the fire. His body was too charred to tell—but struggling on that bad road did not help.)

It is appalling that a public official—again Supervisor Michael D. Antonovich—who represents more than two million people in the most populous county in the United States of America cannot find a way to allow us across a legal obstacle created in large part by a commuter rail line, Metrolink, on whose board he sits with his fellow supervisors.

Whoa! Read that again!

Michael Antonovich sits on the board, he has power only a handful of people can even imagine, the unfairness of the blockage is obvious to everyone to whom any of us has spoken, and in almost a decade he has produced zero results. We cannot legally cross those tracks, though our crossing is just like all the others. That’s a zero. All that power, all that posturing, all that time, and all Michael Antonovich and his deputy Norm Hickling can accomplish is zero.


I hear it all the time, and I heard the accusation again just the other day, that Mr. Antonovich just wants to see his name on a sign. We really struggle to be more decent about it, but it is very difficult for us to quell suspicions that Mr. Hickling’s and Mr. Antonovich’s motives are far more nefarious. But hoping that fame will please the gentlemen, we are proud to offer the following:

This blog, and hence the names of Michael D. Antonovich and Norm Hickling, have been viewed well over 3000 times, and you know how they say that any publicity is good publicity. We expect our numbers will continue to grow faster and faster, and are looking forward to 10,000 page views soon. You can erect signs all over our properties after we have been squeezed out, but they cannot compete with these numbers in such a short time.

Furthermore, only people who drive by the signs with Michael Antonovich’s name will see them. This blog, on the other hand, is viewed worldwide! True, the thousands of page views come mostly from local citizens of Los Angeles County, but hundreds of others come from other countries. Think of it! If Mr. Antonovich wants fame, his name is now being seen and read by hundreds in
United Kingdom
Czech Republic

Isn’t that cool?!

You’re welcome.


  1. Are you still able to reach your houses on a "non tradtional route"?

    1. Yes. The non-traditional route is the five-mile nightmare on which our neighbor died and which is killing our vehicles one ball-joint at a time. It is because of this route that I say we do not have legal access, because at the moment we do have physical access by way of a route that the Mountains Conservancy could close at any time because they have withheld an easement.

  2. I too am appalled. And yes, there is a group that wants the people living on the hill gone. What is not clear is who and why. One could guess that the Mountain Recreation Conservation Authority sees a chance to buy the property for taxes... What seems obvious is there is a "something for something" situation. I am guessing the new owner of Oasis Park did not become the owner by accident. It doesn't appear it was an accident that he closed the road off to the residents on the hill. Since moving to the area he has been convicted of 7 felonies connected to a private water co. in the area. So, it would seem he is not above doing things that are now honest or moral. It doesn't appear to be a coinsidence that all of the sudden - two government agencies decide people cannot use the railroad crossing or cross over the stream. Oh! But the filming crew cannot only cross through that same crossing...a crossing is built for them. It seems clear the County - Michael Antonovich - could have fixed this almost a decade ago but they - he - did not. I only hope with the attention being focused on your unfair situation the County will do the right thing. It goes against everything American for a government agency to allow people to be pressured off of land that they rightfully own.

    1. Thank you for your comment, and please forgive us our caution. While the allegations of felony convictions stated above have appeared in the press and have been spoken about in the community, we have not taken the time to verify them personally and so must state that these allegations are not necessarily the opinion of this blog.
      We get a little anxious in this area. I have approved this comment because it illustrates the atmosphere of mistrust and distress under which we have been laboring for the last decade. However, we must urge our readers to verify everything for themselves.
      And, finally, please keep your comments coming, in spite of the cowardice I may be showing here.

  3. I'm no Attorney, but it seems that you should have pursued a RICO action some time ago.

  4. Interesting!
    Well, we can ask an attorney. Thank you for the suggestion!

  5. Has anyone sent a letter to Antonovich and ask him if he would back you getting access to your homes today. From what I see in the blog if Antonivch wanted you to have access you would have access. It can not hurt to ask one more time all you lose is a stamp and a little time.

    1. We agree with your assessment. If Mr. Antonovich wanted us to have a just resolution to this debacle, we would be driving home the good way tonight. Actually Mr. Antonovich and his office are well aware of our continuing request for legal access. His deputy Norm Hickling has kept up a connection with us since the beginning and presents himself as truly interested in assisting us. After nine and a half years credulity wears a little thin.
      You might take a look at a couple of the earlier posts in November, "Who's Been Working on the Railroad?" and "What Does the Man Say?" for a typical exchange between Michael Antonovich's office and one of us.
      All the same, your suggestion is intriguing. We should do it!

  6. I am hoping one of the news media takes a look at what has gone on with the Los Angeles Board of Supervisors and specifically Michael Antonovich. I was following problems residents of small communities were having with his NAT Team after the story was covered locally. I watched a meeting where an attorney, who had taken the case on pro bono, try to get some answers from Mr. Antonovich. The gentleman was on the roster. When the time arrived for him to ask Mr. Antonovich some questions Mr. Antonovich just got up and walked out of the room. The lawyer stated the officer in the court gave him a card and told him to call and he would be able to meet with Mr. A. Never happened - his calls were never returned. I think you problem - although very important to you may be the tip of the ice berg. All that needs to happen is for one whistle blower to come forth - such as happened with the Cify of Bell. There must be many people who know of shady deals. Hopefully one of them will do the right thing. I had tears come to my eyes when I read about the disabled veteran who lived in peace with his dog. When the NAT team showed up for the last time they had a pamphlet for the homless shelter and one for the pound because his dog would not be able to stay at the shelter. The things that have been going on - alittle under the radar - are having a light shown on them. I hope that light helps you and the other victims of the LACBOS.

    1. Thank you for your kind wishes. It seems that a Master Blog is in order, coordinating all these constituency-abuses, doesn't it? Meantime, please spread the word about this blog and keep sending in your stories! Thank you for these two. We will happily collect specific information and support others being targeted.
