
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Who’s Been Workin’ on the Railroad?

In 2005 Metrolink closed our paved at-grade crossing that had been safely used for a century, and thus effectively choked off the small Briggs Road community from their only reasonable outlet to the world.
Who is Metrolink? Sitting on the Southern California Regional Rail Authority or SCRRA board is our very own Los Angeles County Supervisor, Michael D. Antonovich. Here is information provided on the Metrolink website:

"MTA Chairman and Los Angeles County Supervisor Michael D. Antonovich represents Los Angeles County on the SCRRA Board of Directors. Antonovich also serves on the SCRRA Operational Oversight committee.
"Elected to the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors in 1980, Supervisor Antonovich has served on the Metropolitan Transportation Authority Board of Directors, including a prior term as chairman from December 1994 to July 1995. Antonovich also is a current board member for the South Coast Air Quality Management District. A former member of the Los Angeles County Transportation Commission, he also served on the County Supervisors Association of California and was appointed to the U.S. Delegation to the United Nations International Conference."

This man is no dummy, and no weakling.

His deputy is Norm Hickling. Norm is working in our favor, so one might wonder how it is that he or Mr. Antonovich has been unable for eight years to reopen a railroad crossing. Granted there are complications, but can this simple kindness—to restore access to their homes for eleven families—really be that difficult for so competent a public official?

In a recent email, Mr. Hickling says about the railroad crossing: “These are the issue[s] I have been trying to address. The key in this particular case has been the railroad crossing[.]

Norm Hickling
Supervisor Antonovich Antelope Valley Field Office
1113 Ave M-4, Suite A
Palmdale, Ca 93551"

One of the younger residents replied:
"As I am understanding the flow of email going to and from you to us, the main issue you state seems to be the crossing of DOT 750878A, the crossing of Burke/Briggs Road and the SCAX (SCRRA) railway. It's described as a "Private At-Grade Crossing." I looked up our inventory list at [Federal Railroad Administration - Office of Safety Analysis]. I am also attaching a copy just because it was hard to find and any documents we can provide for you I'm sure will be welcomed. On the same website you can also look up accident reports. I could understand being held to a different standard if our crossing had had some accidents or any incidents. Imagine my surprise when there was none! Since this does bring to light how the Briggs Road [community] seems to be being targeted by LA County or the SCRRA, I would like to know why. In a report, they state that there are 50 private at-grade crossings on the Antelope Valley to Los Angeles route alone! What is going on with those crossings? 
"The document containing that statement is outdated because the only documents describing SCRRA's position of at-grade crossings I could find from is from October 11th, 1991. I will attach it as well.  However, also in that document it states that 'Upon the request of a county transportation commission, the Southern California Regional Rail Authority Board will consider exceptions on a case by case basis.' How can we proceed with this?
"Again, Norm, we appreciate that you are on our side and are glad that someone is fighting for us. I know that having an open dialogue is important to us and is also important to you being a public official and representing your community and not letting them be overrun and unfairly targeted. Our thanks is never-ending. In that light, please let me and everyone else know anything we can do to help you out in gathering information to make the right steps towards a resolution. We recognize that you are a very busy man and our little community is just one of other issues you are working to address and we would jump to do anything we can to further the progress of this issue and work with you on it. 

Julia Rhys
Resident of Briggs Road since 1988"

A case by case basis!

Whom is Norm Hickling attempting to persuade to restore our century-old right to passage? I’ll ask him and report back here.

Meantime, this is your opportunity to practice civic involvement. If we all sit back and watch instead of taking the simplest of actions, government can go against you too while you are not paying attention. Is California’s treatment of this small community okay with you? It’s easy to get involved and, if all you do is write a note or comment, it’s risk free!


  1. Great blog, George. This should be very alarming to all Americans. This could happen to anyone.

    1. Exactly! How crazy is it that for years this crossing went with no incidents and one day, on a whim, the railroad association decides to shut it down? This should be worrisome for everyone!

    2. And you know, what makes it especially scary is that it does happen, and has happened, throughout history. If we look back through the distant and the recent past, we see that the only force that has ever pushed selfish power back into the dark space it came from is a united effort of the people.
      You are part of that effort; thank you for your responses!

  2. it was not whim it was to help the people that want to kill your community beware of the smiling faces they don't come to help

    1. Perhaps whim was a poor choice of word, but I am sure we all know this was no whim. And you are right. We don't know whom to trust, and many of us will trust no one until we have access to black top.
