
Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Come Save the Day!

I just hung up from an ominous and very scary phone call. As a result I am setting aside the post I just finished writing and starting anew.

The whole thing puts me in mind of a story from my past. When I was thirteen and fourteen back in New Jersey I had a cute little girlfriend named Linda. I was aware that she had a former boyfriend from a nearby town known to be the home of tough guys, but I didn’t worry about that. Well, maybe I worried a little bit.

One day two guys from that town somehow accompanied Linda and me into my very home. My parents were not home. Stupidly unafraid, I probably invited them in. One of the guys went off to talk to Linda, and the other, bigger and older than I, sidled me off to our living room.

“Stay away from Linda,” he warned. “If you see Linda any more I am going to knock all your teeth down your throat.” Those who know me know that I remember the words of others quite well, and these were words to remember.

I am not a fighter. I am easy meat for anybody that wants to beat me up. So what did I do? I kept seeing Linda. I did break up with her a couple of years later, but for reasons that had nothing to do with those tough guys, whom I never saw again.

Now I find myself really afraid of some really tough guys. That phone call was scary.

But I think I’ll keep seeing Linda.

I realize that Michael D. Antonovich can pull some really mean dirty tricks on me if he chooses to. Well, hell, cutting us off from our homes was a pretty dirty trick, wasn’t it? I can’t say Michael Antonovich was directly involved in that, but I definitely believe that his influence has been far more negative than positive, as far as my family’s and neighbors’ quality of life is concerned. I have been told by many people that he is very likely behind much of the loss of our access. That phone call this morning put fear in me, but it also convinced me again that powerful, self-interested officials of Los Angeles County and the State of California are well-equipped to strip us of everything.

So why am I back? Because I know the difference between right and wrong, and I know that if I stop seeing Linda just because a hoodlum from the next town told me so, I will still lose everything, plus my self-respect. I was minding my business, teaching mathematics to the youngsters of our county, when all of this started in 2004. I did absolutely nothing to bring this on myself, and nor did any of my neighbors. So, despite your phone call, and you know who you are, I intend to continue seeking wide-spread public support for our cause, because that is our only salvation.

But no, of course I will not divulge the name of the caller. I’m not stupid.

I’m just an old guy who can’t fight, and surely those who did our neighborhood wrong are fully aware of how powerless we are. Our only hope is that someone who can fight, someone who is tougher and meaner than Michael D. Antonovich and certain officials of the State of California—or at least can’t be destroyed by them—will step forward and open up our access to our homes.

Our hero doesn’t have to be meaner, although the people trying to ruin our real estate values may think she or he is, for taking away their spoils. But I would prefer to be championed by someone nicer.

I am put in mind of my father, who never took my side against bullies. He believed that though I was younger and smaller and outnumbered, I should go back to that playground and get my basketball back. Okay, we are not looking for that kind of father. We are looking for someone who gets it, and who sees the need to assist innocent, unassuming folk such as me, my family, and my community.

Mighty Mouse, where are you?


  1. I am so glade to see someone that understands how the game is being played and still willing to play . when I read your blog all I can do is wonder what the people that are stealing from you really want it can not be for the deer and antelope to roam there are no antelope as you have said before and the deer population can be no more than a hand full. No one would think the state city county would do so much damage to so many people tell so many lies and use so political capital for 5 or ten deer. So ones you get passed the lie what else is on the want list? I don't know but you can bet greed is in the mix some where

    1. You put me in mind of the line William Goldman wrote for the Deep Throat character in The President's Men: Follow the money.
      We don't have the resources to trace much of anything, but wouldn't it be miraculous if someone who did would show up?

  2. You know, I have been upset for quite some time about a group called the Nusience Abatement Team - championed by non other than Michael Antonovich. It is interesting to note when other departments were cutting staff their staff was increased. I read about what they were doing in Acton, Agua Dulce and Littlerock. I was living in Leona Valley at the time and their "raids" were talked about at length at the local grocery store. In Leona Valley they were harassing an 80 something woman. And a Holocust (sp?) survivor had her trailer door kicked in..all over code enforcement. In many instances the people were moved off their property. They were poor people with little resources and they just lost everything they had. Without them paying taxes the property will soon be for sale...for taxes. I wanted to go public - discussed this with my best friend who happens to be a Briggs Rd. resident. I confess the reason I did not is I was afraid of what they would do to me. That is just not right. We should not fear the people we elect. They are supposed to protect us..not steal or jail us for their pockets or power. So, I hope no only do you get access but this ball gets rolling and powers that be look at what these shady people have been doing to those who have a difficult time defending themselves. We saw what happened in the city of Bell. Maybe the Los Angeles Board of Supervisors will get a closer inspection.

    1. I see a lot of fear operating here, too. Sometimes I wonder what kind of idiot I am using my own name, but I am convinced that at some point if you want to win anything you have to put yourself on the line. Our credibility comes from our willingness to expose ourselves to danger. Unfortunately, it takes a lot of brave people to face down a bunch of thugs. So yes, let's get that ball rolling!
